Removing the set screw from the old friction fit tuners was easy enough, and liberated the tuner shaft and knob. A few gentle taps with a mallet on a screw driver aimed at the edge of the steel inserts slipped those out easily. One note of caution: knocking out one of the inserts unfortunately took out a little splinter of wood from the finished headstock (see bottom photo). I was able to glue it back in, but it's still visible. Sigh. Next time I'd score the finish of the headstock around the insert with an X-acto knife to ensure nothing is stuck together.
To fit the new tuners, a little hole cleansing was needed - achieved with a bit of sandpaper wrapped around a pencil.

Tuning will be much less frustrating than with the old friction fit tuners, which seemed to go out of tune easily and take a lot of tuning time--time I'd rather spend playing!
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